So by now, many of us (basketball fans or not) have heard about the LA Clippers owner, Donald Sterling who allegedly made racist remarks to his Black and Mexican mistress, V. Stiviano (who goes by a number of alises), saying that she needs to only socialize with Black people in private because she represents him and he is not okay with the public display.
Obviously most Black folks aren't surprised by the remarks made, I'm just wondering why he would be crazy enough to verbalize his feelings over the phone or in an environment where he could be recorded. (Senile I guess...)
So many different things come to mind about this entire situation honestly, but the biggest thing (in my opinion) is that the slave dynamic rings just as true in 2014, as it did 200 years ago.
The sports arena is not the only place where top executives and owners feel this way. And we (Black folks) support so many things that we honestly shouldn't. The MUSIC INDUSTRY is a huge example. I'm not about to give a speech about why because there's so many people that lack direction from childhood, that i'd be preaching to the choir, and blowing smoke to the ones who need to hear it. I'm not blaming people who want to see a ball game, but I am calling a spade a card game.
But i'll say this: (Mainstream "Hip-Hop") They paint Black dudes as strong physically, but not mentally. They're incapable of love....but they'll "f**k these hoes". Equalling an absent father to tons of kids and a pissed off mother. Those kids eventually become absent fathers and pissed off babies' mommies that get made fun of by black husbands that cheat on their wives with them.
Then...they paint the women as "f**kable, but not loveable". And so many women can't WAIT to be half-naked on Instagram for 3,000 likes. You go girl. The trust issue is huge in everyone's vocabulary when the whole time, you don't even know this game of "cat and mouse" was set up from the very beginning. It's cool, don't listen to me though.
I don't care how much money you're counting. I'm not taking a snake's money. Fuck him and that money. And yeah, i've had plenty of opportunities. I'll share those in my book, damn it.
He was sued twice by the federal government after refusing to rent apartments to minorities.
In the 2005 case, he was ordered to pay a $2.73million fine to settle.
In a 2009 case, he was accused of refusing to rent to non-Koreans when it came to a property in Koreatown and refused African American tenants for a property in Beverly Hills.
He was reportedly accused of saying that he wouldn't rent to Hispanics because they 'smoke, drink and just hang around the building'.
The suit also accused Sterling of saying, 'Black tenants smell and attract vermin'.
He was also named in a 2003 lawsuit wherein he crudely described how he had sex with a prostitute who charged $500-per-tryst.
In that case, he admitted that 'maybe I morally did something wrong' but went on to explain that 'it was purely sex for money, money for sex, sex for money, money for sex,' according to records obtained by The Smoking Gun.
(Information I pulled from
(This recorded conversation is allegedly between Donald Sterling and his girlfriend, who goes by the name V. Stiviano, who identifies herself as part Mexican and part African American.)
VS: I wish I could change the skin. The color of my skin
DS: That isn't the issue. You've missed the issue.
VS: What's the issue?
DS: The issue is we don't have to broadcast everything.
VS: I'm not broadcasting anything. I don't do anything wrong.
DS: That isn't the issue. You've missed the issue.
VS: What's the issue?
DS: The issue is we don't have to broadcast everything.
VS: I'm not broadcasting anything. I don't do anything wrong.
DS: Why are you taking pictures with minorities... why?

The conversation centered around a now-deleted photo that Stiviano put on Instagram of herself and Magic Johnson (pictured)
VS: What's wrong with minorities? What's wrong with black people?
DS: Nothing, nothing, nothing.
VS: What's wrong with Hispanics?
DS: It's like talking to an enemy. There's nothing wrong with minorities, they're fabulous. Fabulous. Because you're an enemy to me.
VS: Why?
DS: Because you don't understand.
VS: I don't understand what?
DS: Nothing, nothing.
VS: That racism still is a lie?
DS: No but there's a culture.
VS: What culture?
DS: People feel certain things. Hispanics feel certain things towards blacks. Blacks feel certain things towards other groups. It's been that way historically and it will always be that way.
VS: But it's not that way in my heart and in my mind.
DS: But maybe you want to adjust to the world.
DS: Nothing, nothing, nothing.
VS: What's wrong with Hispanics?
DS: It's like talking to an enemy. There's nothing wrong with minorities, they're fabulous. Fabulous. Because you're an enemy to me.
VS: Why?
DS: Because you don't understand.
VS: I don't understand what?
DS: Nothing, nothing.
VS: That racism still is a lie?
DS: No but there's a culture.
VS: What culture?
DS: People feel certain things. Hispanics feel certain things towards blacks. Blacks feel certain things towards other groups. It's been that way historically and it will always be that way.
VS: But it's not that way in my heart and in my mind.
DS: But maybe you want to adjust to the world.
DS: Yea it bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you're associated with black people. Do you have to?
VS: You associate with black people.
DS: I'm not you and you're not me. You're supposed to be a delicate white or a delicate Latina girl.
VS: I'm a mixed girl.
DS: Ok well.
VS: And you're in love with me. And I'm black and Mexican. Whether you like it or not. Whether the world accepts it or not. And you're asking me to remove.... you want me to have hate towards black people?
DS: I don't want you to have hate. That's what people do- they turn things around. I want you to love them- privately. In your whole life, everyday you can be with them. Every single day of your life.
VS: But not in public?
DS: But why publicize it on the Instagram and why bring it to my games?
VS: You associate with black people.
DS: I'm not you and you're not me. You're supposed to be a delicate white or a delicate Latina girl.
VS: I'm a mixed girl.
DS: Ok well.
VS: And you're in love with me. And I'm black and Mexican. Whether you like it or not. Whether the world accepts it or not. And you're asking me to remove.... you want me to have hate towards black people?
DS: I don't want you to have hate. That's what people do- they turn things around. I want you to love them- privately. In your whole life, everyday you can be with them. Every single day of your life.
VS: But not in public?
DS: But why publicize it on the Instagram and why bring it to my games?

VS: I can't believe that a man who's educated, a man who's a scholar, a man...
DS: Well believe it, and stop talking about it. Let's finish our discussion with a period, ok?
VS: I took a picture with someone I admire (Magic Johnson).
DS: Good
VS: He happens to be black, and I'm sorry.
DS: I think the fact that you admire him- I've known him well, and he should be admired. And I'm just saying that it's too bad you can't just admire him privately, and during your entire f****** life, your whole life- admire him, bring him here, feed him, f*** him, I don't care. You can do anything. But don't put him on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me. And don't bring him to my games, OK?
DS: Good
VS: He happens to be black, and I'm sorry.
DS: I think the fact that you admire him- I've known him well, and he should be admired. And I'm just saying that it's too bad you can't just admire him privately, and during your entire f****** life, your whole life- admire him, bring him here, feed him, f*** him, I don't care. You can do anything. But don't put him on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me. And don't bring him to my games, OK?
(Excerpt from