Showing posts with label controlling mates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label controlling mates. Show all posts


(Jackie Chan's face is priceless though...LOL)

1. The Know-it-All.

I don't know why some people make it a priority to act like an expert on every issue.  It's almost like saying "I don't really know" is a mark of shame that they'll never be able to live down.  It's okay to simply say, "I don't know".  Annoying little bastards.

2. The One Who Argues In Public.

It’s almost as if this boyfriend/girlfriend feeds off of the uncomfortable energy and appalled expressions of onlookers as he/she gets louder, angrier and increasingly hysterical in the restaurant, or at the party, or wherever you’re regretting going out to, while your insides are filled with humiliation. All of the room’s eyes are on you and while you’re mortified, you kind of understand because you get that this moment would be quite enjoyable to watch if you weren’t involved in it.

3. The Complainer.

It’s too cold. It’s too hot. This is so expensive. This is so cheap. It’s gross in here. It smells out there. This room is too bright. This room is too dim. We’ve been in all day, I want to go out. This place sucks, I want to go home. This is the one that makes life worth stabbing yourself in the kidney.  The only thing that truly sucks is the life that they are sucking out of the day that could be pretty damn great if they weren't so annoying.

4. You're Dating A "Baby".

You just don't match on many things because there's a slight difference in generational perspective.  Getting "Lifted" or turning into a drunky pooh might not be the highest item on your priority list and they look at you like you're a grandparent. can't really discuss grown issues or situations with them because their perspective is too premature or sheltered by their lack of experience.  Some people don't mind teaching while others just feel mildly ashamed they're dating a toddler.

5. The Parent-Partner.
They’re less like a lover and more like a chaperone. It’s amazing how often people forget that you’re supposed to have fun with the person you’re dating. It’s not supposed to feel like you can’t be seen laughing or having a good time – this isn’t Matilda where Miss Trunchbull will lock your ass in The Chokey for enjoying life. If you want to spend time with friends or make adult jokes or watch an R-rated movie, you shouldn’t be hesitant to do so because you’re dreading your significant other’s hostile reaction. (

6. The “Realistic” One.

Ah, the dream killing, goal squashing, aspiration slaying lover. Will Smith once said, “Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity.” That’s beyond accurate and who wants to be with someone who encourages practicality and doesn’t further motivate you to do the things you want in life? Embrace high risk, high reward opportunities, attempt the unheard of, live life like it’s the Tumblr search results for the word “inspirational.” It’s essentially impossible to do those things with an in-the-box-thinking lover. (

7. The Possessive One.

The clinginess is flattering and adorable at first, but when you’re treated like a toy belonging to a selfish child long enough it gets exhausting. Stay involved in this too long and people will starting making memes with you and your boo's picture instead of Ike and Tina.

8. The Double Standard One.

If you interact amicably with an ex it’s the end of the world but they think it’s okay to be cool with people they’ve dated in the past. Don’t raise your voice at them, but endure their rising volume during arguments. Don’t have a bunch of women/men friends but they will, so deal with it. There should be some sort of established, mutual understanding that includes equal levels of respect. Double standard enforcers are typically also the controlling types. (

9. The Comparer.

My ex did this. This couple did that. That character that isn’t real life but is incredibly romantic in a movie did this & that. Why can’t you do sweet things like that romantic character in a movie who isn’t real life but did this & that? Seriously, this must be what parents feel like when a kid tries to get permission to go to a party by saying “But, so-and-so’s mom & dad are letting him go!” and slightly offended they respond, “WELL GOOD FOR THEM, but I’m your parent.” Also, the expectations from this person aren’t necessarily high. For example, say their ex was “busy” a lot and turned out to be cheating – well now every time you work late your whereabouts and actions will be questioned. (

10. The Master Manipulator.

Words will be twisted, lies will be told, exaggerations will be made and they’ll hope to sway your opinions and flip the script, turning themselves into the victim and you into a monster. Conversations with this person are a lot like a heavily edited reality TV series that stretches the truth until it can be molded to fit the absurd storylines desired. If you’re not about that VH1 life, don’t even bother. (



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