Showing posts with label telling secrets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label telling secrets. Show all posts

Would You Tell Your Close Friends If Your Sex Life Was on 5000?!

Some people get more descriptive than others when it comes to venting or describing the things they go through in their private relationships.  Of course, it's "politically correct" to say that you keep your private business private, but I believe that most people (MEN and WOMEN) have confidantes that could blackmail in the worst way because they have been told information that others just don't know.

So the question was presented on Facebook about whether you should tell your buddies about your significant other's sex game - because wouldn't knowledge of this make the person want to find out about them first hand?

My answer is probably so.  As much as people try to present themselves as morally sound on these social networks, I just believe there are more people who would "go there" compared to people who would not.  It's a sad thing to say because you would think that people would place more value on their meaningful relationships but in 2014, that's an endangered species in the urban community that is growing worse by the day.

I asked a male friend of mine would he tell any of his homeboys about his sex life with HIS WOMAN (not a woman he just had sex with) and he said he keeps his personal dealings to himself.  THEN he brought up a friend who had passed away back in 2006, saying that HE would have been the only person that may have been told something intimate between himself and a woman he was with because they were like brothers.

And the reality is...people have different levels of character for various things.  I would imagine some friends would just take that info and it would stay JUST THAT while other "friends" would have a host of feelings and inspiration behind that knowledge.  I definitely had a "close friend" who I'm almost 95% sure was peeping my dude at the time and the vibe she gave off had me seconds off of her remedial cranium.  She was remedial because she didn't realize how obvious her behavior was and the blow to her head would have graduated her from remedial to the vegetable section at the grocery store.

Am I violent?  I don't think so.

Your Mate Smells Like a Port-A-Potty. How Do You Talk To Them About It?

What do you do when your mate has an awful situation about them that you know you NEED to address...but you don't know how to go about talking to them on it?

Now, I'm not talking about you ignorant, blunt a**holes that can't WAIT for an opportunity to make your other half feel like sh*t because you really have another issue that you're avoiding so you're going to nitpick about small unimportant crap, thus prolonging your actual issue. ((catches breath)) Damn, that was a long sentence.

But you know.  I mean things like if your other half had a hygiene issue and it smelled like seafood shenanigans on the bottom floor of the body mansion.


If you have a tagalong that is a dear relative or friend of your mate, and they won't go the hell home or stop mooching off the two of you or giving you privacy.


If he keeps buying baggy condoms that look like a deflated balloon on his Jr. Jr. and you keep getting the bastard stuck inside of you because nobody will sit him down and supportively tell him to be proud and purchase some Lifestyle condoms and walk out of Walmart like a boss.  


If he's 42 and is still trying to have you listen to that track he recorded in Ray Ray's basement telling you how many A&Rs from Sony Records he's talked to last week.


If their breath smells like they've been spending the whole day taking deep breaths over public toilets.


Maybe everyone but her notices the dried up line of wig glue to hold on her lacefront weave and no one had the testicular fortitude to approach her with words of wisdom, in the name of love to save her edges.

My point is Lovebugs...we all have issues.  No one is perfect, but the worst thing in the world is to have an alleged supportive cast that enable you to continue acts of WACKtivity (note the word) and they SEE IT and won't help you out.

Is it easy?!  NOOOOOO because I know even for myself, I'm an emotional person, so critiques of me are only taken well if I believe you actually give a sh*t about me.  

Friends don't let friends be wack kids.  That friend could also be your spouse, your sister or brother, your cousin, your ANYONE WHO KNOWS THE INTIMATE DETAILS OF YOUR LIFE.  

It's one thing to not know how to point out embarrassing small things, but talking about (and getting through) substantial things should define the power of your relationship.

If you genuinely care and see something that may hinder them or that takes away from them, you should let it be known unless it's truly overstepping something that would damage the integrity of your bond.



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