Showing posts with label reality tv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reality tv. Show all posts

You THINK I Want You, or You KNOW I Want You?

When you're nice and people take it for more than just common courtesy.

Fellas, you guys are NOT the only ones who have this issue.  I've found myself in a situation before where someone assumed that because I opened my mouth to utter syllables that resulted in a sentence, that it obviously meant I was checking for them.  ((Family Feud Buzzer sound))  Negative champ.

I truly don't understand why things can't just be face value with some people.   Did I SAY I wanted you?!  Did I compliment the globe like structure of your cranium cavity?  Or maybe the slope shape forehead view I have whenever I catch you at a sideways angle?  ((cue the video please))


You can call me a jerk that's fine, but women are sick of men that think they're God's Gift just like men get tired of women who are always acting like a man who acknowledges their presence wants to get with them.

Honestly, I blame you sneaky bastards though.  If it wasn't for so many people who live the creep life and have to ease their way into dealing with a person (because being STRAIGHT THE F*** UP IS OBVIOUSLY A 1995 TYPE OF THING), we could just have cordial connections without all the extra nonsense.

Yep, we live in the days of Catfish on MTV and (meet my ass)

(Can you tell I'm a tad perturbed by this BS?!)


When I was in my twenties, I definitely didn't understand that people can't read minds and you have to enunciate your vowels when you want to be on the same page with someone.  But now that I'm older, I lose my mind when I come across people that assume stuff without sufficient evidence.

You don't know what the hell I'm thinking.  Chances are if you're in the position of not knowing what's on my mind it's probably because the f**ks I give about you knowing are slim to none.  

Damn that was mean.  But so true.

Why can't we just get to a place in society where COMMON COURTESY is a normal, everyday practice?  We're so brainwashed in the urban community and most of the crap we preach about is all shit that divides us.

From the basics to the elites.

We stay judging one another and talking shit.  And yes, I'm talking shit right now, but my current hypocrite moment is irrelevant.  Listen to what the hell I'm saying.

How powerful would we all be if we actually started living in REALITY and taking things at FACE F***ING VALUE?!  


Leave Olivia Pope ALONE!!!! ((In Honor of Ms. Chris Crocker))

Seriously though.  Black dudes, you slay me with these side chick memes about Olivia Pope (some of you just want a laugh or 5, I'm with that) but the rest of you bastards are poking at this chick being dead ass serious like you have a valid point.


I'm only writing this rant because it's Thursday and I got my Gladiator goggles on for Scandal to come on tonight but more than that, this is a good example of the divisive mindsets that black folks have against one another.

When I was a kid in the 90s, shows like Melrose Place, Knots Landing, Dallas, etc. were on and they were HIT SHOWS just like Scandal - except for one thing.  The lead character was not a black woman.  It was also not a black woman being judged for her script.

All those old shows had skanks sleeping around with everyone and when I say skanks, I mean the MEN TOO.  Everybody had been with everyone -- sons were uncles to their cousins and some more shit.  Nobody was calling Heather Locklear on Melrose Place a "side anything".  She was called a "steamy actress who stops at nothing to get what she wants".

So why can't we be just as non-judgmental to Ms. Kerry Washington who has come quite a long way from her role in "Save the Last Dance"?  Hmmm?

Like I said, I'm all for a good laugh and an opportunity to poke at some funny stuff, but for the wives/girlfriends who feel "some kinda way" about her being banged by the married President, I just hope you exhibit that same discrimination towards any other chick in any other show or movie that contains all those controversial elements that have made movies what they are since the beginning of time.

Don't get me wrong, if you don't like Scandal, that's your choice as a citizen of the world. But things should be measured fairly.  Scandal is a damn good show with a great cast of people - the main character happening to be a Black woman who should be allowed to do her thing without being criticized for her script.

Some of y'all watch horror movies and love them.  Guess that means you worship the Devil now.  C'mon son.

Let entertainment be what it used to be before REALITY TV erased the line between real and fake.


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