LGBT Community...Help Me Understand How This Works. Who Knows Amiyah Scott the Transgender Woman?

For about a year, I've been following a woman named Amiyah Scott on Instagram.  Some of you guys might already know who she is but for those who don't, she is an infamous personality in the social media world who has been a Transgender woman (born a male and surgically changed to female) for several years now.

Here she is right here:

Like, she's gorgeous.  And honestly speaking, I was really intrigued by her because ever since I was a kid, I have never come across a transsexual who looked THAT CONVINCING AS A DAMN WOMAN.  Like....LOOK AT THIS CHICK!!!!   So on top of her constant beauty postings of hair, makeup, and clothing, her lifestyle was intriguing to me (much like her other thousands of Instagram followers.

But that isn't the reason I'm talking about her.  She recently broke up with her boyfriend that she had a very public relationship with - his name is Micah.  Micah is 20 years old while Amiyah (born Arthur) is 26.  At first, I was really confused because I was curious of Micah's sexual orientation.  He was FULLY AWARE of her sex change so would it be safe to say that he was gay?  I wasn't so sure.  Before he hooked up with Amiyah, he had tons of pics of another girl on his Instagram (the girl is actually a natural female) that passed away some time ago.  He looked pretty cozy with the girl in some of his photos (like that could have been his girl) so it made me even more confused as to whether a heterosexual man would date a transgender woman.

(Amiyah Scott pictured with ex-boyfriend, Micah)

Anywhoo...that whole question was answered after their breakup when he did an interview telling the guy who asked the questions that he identified himself as a GAY MALE.  So, I got my answer, but the thing I need help understanding (and I really want someone to explain this to me because I'm very curious about it) is why would a gay male date someone who changed himself into a female if he really wants to be with a male?  Is there a non-physical part of being gay that I am not understanding in terms of attraction and mating?  I really want to understand this one because I've always wondered that about feminine women who date "dom" women that resemble men.  If you link up with the person who looks like a guy, why wouldn't you just date a guy?  I'm not suggesting, or judging by any means.  I have a ton of people I hold very dear to my heart that are homosexual.  It's not my place to speak against someone else's private life and decisions that have nothing to do with me.  But I do want to understand, so help the kid out.

Can someone explain it to me?!
 (Amiyah with Amber Rose before the Shiny Bald persona) 

WTF 2 Chainz?! (I went in, ya'll have to forgive me)

I was following the story of a girl who is allegedly suing rapper 2Chainz for releasing a YouTube video of her backstage called, #IsThisYourTHOT?  For people who aren't familiar with the term "THOT" (I know I lost brain cells when I initially heard this term), it means That Hoe Over There.

So apparently the story is that the girl (named Tina) snuck backstage and lied to security saying that she had been invited by Cap1 (2Chainz' friend) that she allegedly met on Instagram.

The footage shows her backstage sitting and was called over by 2Chainz to not only find out who sent for her, but to check her body out as if that would determine her likelihood of remaining back there.


So, okay...after this video was made and was made viral via YouTube and Twitter, she decided to fight back for public humiliation.  Now, she does seem to be excited about the possibility of showing up on a blog and also shouted out her Instagram name, but clearly you can see in the video before being sent away that she didn't realize she was the butt of everyone's joke.

A second Instagram was created after all of this that Tina claims was phony because if that new instagram account was real, it definitely painted the picture of a girl who wanted publicity however she could get it.

Her original Instagram does show her in a light where she seems to be on possible groupie status, but her behavior in the video that ultimately caused this whole situation doesn't show me anything other than a girl wanting to be in the mix.


First of all damn it, I saw a lot of comments about this topic where many women were saying that girls like her are the reason why men write such degrading lyrics about females.  ((Record scratch sound))  The FU__ did you just say?!?!

Let's look at the facts: She was called over by 2Chainz and questioned about who sent for her. She complied with his request for her to turn around so they could see her body - she was CLEARLY CONFUSED AND OUTNUMBERED.  Anyone who says this chick was acting like a groupie in that video is lying because most groupies have no shame about going after someone in their radar. This chick (although probably no saint whatsoever) looked like a FAN that was happy to be backstage like anyone else would.

Who the hell wouldn't be happy to get backstage to see an artist they like?  This is my main problem though.


You catch rock stars and they all have groupies, but they damn sure don't make their disrespect of another person as a human being FRONT AND CENTER of their whole act.  THEN to add insult to injury, you have OTHER WOMEN backing this ignorant shit up!  How many chicks do you see stripping and bouncing their asses everyday with these monster looking creatures and you're more appauled at the FAN who probably DID get a message from one of his entourage members to come thru at the concert?!  Really???

What if she was your mom or sister?  Would it still be funny then?  Would she still be a hoe then? It's all fun and games until it becomes a person you know or better yet, YOU.  Nothing in that video showed me a chick that voluntarily wanted to be made an ass out of.  Some broad sitting down laughing in the back at this girl looking like Izma from The Emperor's New Groove.

I'm tired of black people being so divisive towards one another and pointing fingers when EVERYONE should be held accountable for their actions.  I'm not saying some women don't put themselves in a position to be talked about, but this girl right here was bullied, point blank and 2Chainz should be ashamed of himself.  He has a daughter.  What if someone did that to her and she might have just been going backstage to possibly get in the "mix"?

How many people take pics with celebs and break their damn necks to post the shit on social media?  Don't worry, I'll wait.  She probably wanted pics, wanted connections for whatever but she represents MILLIONS OF OTHER PEOPLE (MALES AND FEMALES) that would have done the same damn thing by being back there to see what would happen.

I had to go in because I don't think most Black folks understand how ignorant stuff like this is and how WE ARE OUR OWN WORST ENEMIES!!!!  What did Kevin Hart say on "Laugh At My Pain" about him and his kids...(might have been his "Seriously Funny" show) but he said, "We looked bad as a UNIT".

And that's US.  We look AWFUL as a unit because we truly hate each other.  Whether it was from early days of growing up rough, being catty towards other women, insecure that someone else will outshine, or whatever the situation, WE ARE FULFILLING THE WILLIE LYNCH THEORY PERFECTLY.  2Chainz, you are like 40 you wrinkled bastard, this girl is damn near young enough to be your child or at least your niece.

Yes, I believe I'm done now.  Now I need some more Starbucks and a damn hug.

IF YOU HAD TO CHOOSE: Mind-blowing sex w/out True Love or Awful Sex With A Loving Mate?

Which one would you take over the other?

For some people, sex is too important on the list of needs in a relationship to not make it a priority for someone to fulfill.  For others, they don't rely on sex as a basis for fulfilling their happiness in a mate.  So, which one are you??

I feel like this could easily be a Catch 22 because on one hand, it IS POSSIBLE to improve your sex life with someone by becoming more in sync with them, but I do believe that not everyone has sexual chemistry.  Some people could melt your underroos away while another person might cause you to throw up in your mouth a little bit.  But what happens when you get older and because of physical limitations, sex may not be as front and center?

One thing that I believe society has done is made us focus MOSTLY ON SEX and INSTANT GRATIFICATION (I'm passionate about this, thus the excessive use of CAPS).  The problem (however) is that sex is temporary, much like a buzz or a high.  It doesn't last and a lot of people get into permanent situations because of temporary actions.

I believe it's necessary to understand there's balance in most things.  You should commit to a mate that excites you, someone who you are genuinely drawn to, but if the physical side of your life is covering up the fact that you wanna bust a can of pineapples upside your other half's should already know it's time to fix that.  Whether you make the effort to come to an understanding of each others' needs or part ways, life is way too short to be miserable for the sake of having someone by your side.

Porsha from Housewives of Atlanta is Pissed at Wendy Williams

Porsha of "Real Housewives of Atlanta" was interviewed by Atlanta's V-103 about her 
disappointment with Wendy Williams and her comments on Porsha's recent divorce.
“You know what? It’s just enough. It’s enough of women of power, women of color, not supporting each other. Like, every time I see her say something about me, I’m disappointed in her. She’s calling me ‘less than smart’; she’s less than a woman. You shouldn’t do that,” Porsha  said. “I’ve been through a very traumatic situation that hurt me. All I’m trying to do is stand and be strong and possibly inspire somebody else, and all she does is knock me down. But this is the same woman who said that I should’ve had a baby by my ex to get cash. Really? Never. Never stoop that low. So for me, I have no thoughts on Wendy, at all.” 
Wendy never builds people up in a positive way, definitely not black women.And for me, I feel like it’s low and it’s just sad,” she said. “But…she only fools the people in her audience. If you go to her Instagram and Twitter, it’s a completely different opinion. So for me I feel like her audience is just like clap-clap-clap, say ‘yeah’, say ‘yeah, stupid’, whatever. 

 I feel like with Wendy, it's never personal with her.  She's always going to catch hell because of 
her format of dishing gossip, but a story is a story to her.
She is going to gossip about Madonna just like she gossiped about Whitney.  Now I will say in the reality world arena, she doesn't seem to have much respect (overall) for certain people (flashback to her interview with Draya).

It comes with the business.  If your purpose for stardom came from being married to a high profile man, then all details (good or bad) will be front and center for discussion.  That's the contract she signed, and the nature of the entertainment beast.

My Encounter w/ Brandy and Her Newly Ex-Fiancé

I was at the Essence Fest last year and stayed in the Old Historic French Quarter section of N'aaaalins.  So the first day I was there, I completely passed out in my room but the next day, I was rejuvenated and decided to stroll the city some before the Essence activities began.  

I went into Walgreens to buy some makeup and see all the employees in there blushing and holding their phones.  So I say to myself, well damn...I know I'm wearing one of my best fragrances (Euphoria by Calvin Klein at the time) but why the star struck faces?!  

Then I turn around to see Ms. Chardonnay Pitts RIGHT BEHIND ME picking out some eyeshadow.  And you're damn skippy I was star struck.  Damn all of you bastards who try to play it cool all the time, I grew up listening to this chick.  1994 on that DAMN RIGHT I had a moment.

This story would have held up better in court if I actually had the pic we took, but I can't find it! Anywhoo, our exchange was brief, but there were TWO THINGS I noticed off the break when I was in there.  One being that she is beautiful in person. Not that I thought she wasn't, but sometimes the in-person effect is a far cry from the images we see.  The second thing I noticed was this beautiful species of man candy she had with her, which turned out to be her other half.  

And now they've allegedly split (Ray J made comments during an interview almost confirming Brandy being back on the market).  

I have no punch line or moral to the story about this.  I just know he was fine as hell.  And yes, feel free to judge my moment of ignorance, I welcome it.

Harrison (Black Dude from Scandal) Charged With Felony Assault?!

Columbus Short (Harrison on Scandal aka 1/5 of the Gladiators) has been getting in trouble for apparently whooping everybody's ass.

Ladies, I'm just as devastated as you are.

It seems that Mr. Short has been charged with spousal battery for fighting his wife in front of their 2 and 10 year old children.  He was also charged with child abuse because of the potential emotional trauma he may have inflicted.

THEN if that wasn't enough...look at what the heck he did to this one guy in a bar fight:

THENNNN...(I'm seriously not done) in 2010 he was prosecuted for beating down some dude at an LA basketball court.

Can we say Anger Freaking Management is in order?!  Sheesh Harrison.

How in the hell are you whooping everybody's ass like this anyway?  Aren't you like 2 feet 3 inches or something?  Ol' angry Lollipop Guild ass.  And yes, I'm going in on you for touching your wife.  Shame on you!  I would have given you the benefit of the doubt by saying she may have provoked you to step out of your zone or taken a stance like a man, but with your track record, you need Iyanla and a good tranquilizer to calm that ass down.

Doesn't he seem so chill on Scandal?!  Except when he was tapping the client's (Candice) cheeks on the show.

I just wonder if any of this will affect his work.  Damn, I'm going to look at him so different now. Sadly enough, his sex appeal for the ladybugs probably increased with this news.  I can't stand y'all.  LOL

Women Who Side With Men To Earn COOL POINTS...

Can I just say that I get really irritated when I see women trying to be the "cool one" to guys? They irk a special place in my soul because I feel like some of them do and say so much to earn "cool points" with men.

I remember my ex telling me about how a girl he dated for a short period of time showed him how to block people from his Facebook account.  She told him, "You'll thank me later", like she was being a true and blue ally on the "I'm cooler than your ex" side.  B*tch...I'll slap you.  The only thing she was doing was subliminally spitting game hoping he would eventually see her value and the fact that she was "cooler" than the norm.

Honestly, I sound pissed about it...I'm not.  I'm more intrigued that I still hear women my age (30 somethings) say things like, "I have only male friends" and "guys are so much easier to hang with than women", and I'm like, "duuuuuhhhhhh dummy!"  His sausage needs a good bun to enter and what better person than a dumb ass who believes she's the golden child of understanding men?!  If you don't sit your dollar 99 ass down before I provide a discount with the sole of my shoe.

Seriously damn it.  Women need to stop acting like they have the answers to what men want/need all the time. All men (people) are different so you can't say that you have a lock down on the universal code when many men do different things for different reasons.  I'm not saying those of you who actually have a meaningful bond with a male are full of it, but when a woman begins bragging about it, I immediately think of this:

There are some women who will argue to the death that females are so emotional, catty, petty and blah-blah-blah when in reality, men can be the same way.  In reality, some of those women are the same ones who would mess around with your dude and because she's not emotionally attached or affected by what she's doing, will blame her sneakiness on women who are just "insecure".  I personally know women like this.  It was cool to say at 22 when I didn't know sh*t that I "understand dudes".  Now, it's just retarded.  I'm a woman, and I have people around me of whatever sex, race, background that I TRUST and know gives a damn about me.  Very simple.

Melyssa Ford and Her Interview w/ Sway: Life as a Video Chick

Melyssa Ford, a well-known video vixen that has gone from being the eye candy of rappers into the real estate arena visited Sway on the Shade 45 show to talk about her life as a video vixen and what she went through.

Some quotes from Ms. Ford - (and my thought responses in PURPLE)

"These amateurs out here, who are doing too much for too little, cheapen the business."
I definitely agree with this.  I believe that Melyssa Ford chose to be an urban model at a transitional point where the value of the video vixen was on a steady decline.  Much like an actual musical artist because anyone with a computer, a microphone and recording software can call themselves a singer, rapper, etc.  At one point, the urban model WAS ACTUALLY AN URBAN MODEL that was treated with some form of respect, but then when the market became saturated, it lost value big time.  Some models became models to be beautiful and be the object of desire where other women agreed to sign the whore contract.

"I wasn’t afraid to tell the artist “Could you be respectful? Could you keep your hands above my waist and below my breasts?” Cause I’ll slap the dog s–t out of you. Please don’t.”  They were always very respectful." 
I feel like at the time where Melyssa Ford was at the height of her identity as an urban model (circa late 90s to the early 2000s, lyrics in your most popular songs were not speaking of women as hoes/bitches on a regular basis.  It was beginning to transition into that with the rise of dirty south music (I know that music from the northeast/west could contain just as many degrading lyrics about women, but it wasn't as mainstream until the south took over).  With that being said, I can see her feeling justified in her behavior and drawing a line of professionalism (in her own mind).

"Chicks started to go outside in their backyard wearing a bikini with a polaroid camera and started calling themselves models. I’m like no, that does not a model. It was really, really frustrating. It goes the same thing with anybody who devotes a certain portion of their life and blood, sweat, and tears to a craft. It’s just disrespectful. I’m not calling video modeling a craft, people, before you try and get me for that s–t, that’s not what I’m trying to say. I’m more talking about modeling in that respect."
I can understand how she may have had actual training as a model and look at someone who never took a class a day in their life or signed with an actual agency like, "really"?  I do believe that the bad apples of hip hop in terms of culture and image have spoiled the mainstream perception of the genre.  Of course, you have artists who degrade women, but not all rappers were doing that.  The ones who were became front and center (however) and brought forth a population of "bad bitches" who sent a strong message of "only good enough to f*ck."

"I didn’t reinvent the wheel. There’s so many women who came before me. Pinup girls of the 1950s…it’s not like I was walking around butt a– naked. I was selling sensuality. I was selling a product. There was no difference between me and Carmen Electra or Pamela Anderson. I was doing the same thing that they were. I just took my image, I slapped it on product, I branded myself. I just paid really close attention to the whole supply and demand. Business 101. That was it. I don’t know. I don’t see anything wrong with it. I was working."
Honestly, I do believe Melyssa Ford actually was trying to be a professional model working for the Urban Arena.  The problem is that music really does imitate life and you can't separate the disrespectful image people will have if you're next to someone who looks the same but standards are different.  You're already guilty by association.  Guilty meaning, asking for disrespect.

"I don’t really have any regrets because I didn’t do anything to be regretful for. I was literally known as the ‘Queen of No’ on video sets. Anybody could tell you that. Interview Hype Williams, Little X, anybody that was on production. They knew Melyssa wasn’t down for a lot of stuff. Wardrobe choices. Even certain songs for music videos I wouldn’t do because I didn’t agree with the lyrical content. I was like, ‘ I can’t represent this.’ My regret is that other women did not conduct themselves in the best possible ways and that within itself is where the stigma [of video girls] kind of [got] out of control. And unfortunately for me, it became my cross to bear because I was the most quote-unquote prolific."
Exactly.  I have yet to hear any real rumors of Melyssa Ford being anyone's whore specifically.  I just think if she wanted more success as a model she should have stayed away from the Urban arena.  Because unfortunately, black folks don't know how to act.  There are too many people (male and female) who really don't respect themselves and stand for a bunch of BS that reflects the BS they probably grew up seeing through parents or relatives.  I'll stop being a psychologist now, but I think Melyssa is one that (although had a very prominent figure - enhanced or not) just wanted to be a model and normal person at the same time.  Not a "bad bitch", not someone's "ho", not a "body count", but just a model.  

A lot of women short change themselves by being next to some of the most hideous, Cyclops looking, disrespectful shitty faced bastards I've ever seen in my life.  And that reason only makes me co-sign with Melyssa mentioning the value depreciation of the model.

BUT....she still chose the poison of selling her looks, and I really believe in her mind she thought she was valuable but stepping into the world of the "video-vixen" is a lose-lose situation if integrity is something you stand for.  How much integrity can you really have when you're no more valuable than being entered, exited, then talked about in a f*cked up way afterwards?

Either We "Smoke, Drink, or we Break-Up"....

So for all the 30's and 30-somethings... Back in the mid-90's...when Marques Houston and the rest of his Immature crew rocked a better "Just for Me" perm than ANY OF US LADIES, he had back-up singers and dancers (yessir). So before Jhene Aiko stepped into the music arena, HER SISTER JAMILA (aka Japollonia) was on the move in a group called Gyrl trying her hand at potential stardom. She rocked these long braids with the beanie hats (my flashback mode is in full effect). But ANYHOO...she has come out with the first single off of her soon-to-be released album with Island Def Jam called "Smoke, Drink, Break-Up". (check it out BELOW)

At first I felt like it was really dramatic at the beginning, and I wasn't sure I was really feeling the song - until I began connecting to the lyrics and what she was addressing.

Who has poured a drink or sparked something because they were trying to calm down, chill out - of course, certain people are going to try and maintain their little levels of decorum and be like, "oh, not me, I don't do stuff like that."  And i'll say..."yeaaaaaaaahhhh OK."

This is why so many people (especially older folks 35+) have chronic substance abuse issues now. It's easier to numb yourself rather than having a nervous breakdown or fight over things time and time again.  There's an attachment there, but the drink, the smoke, sometimes other substances allow people to "cope" (aka mask the bad feeling).

I'm not even here to preach about substance abuse though.  My M.O. has more to do with how we don't connect properly.

Somebody's selfish, doesn't want to listen, wants to be right, they're bored, maybe a liar, have an inner Quagmire inside of them, won't prioritize responsibilities (this is a huge one for the absent parents), etc etc etc.

My only thing with this is:  young people problems turn into old people problems.  The 20-somethings who deal with problems by burying them will be 30-somethings within a flash of a pan doing the same crap without some reflection, holding themselves accountable, and being real with yourself.  That saying "young fools turn into old fools" is SO REAL.  I've seen them first hand with a ton of stories, regrets, and advice.

As for Mila J (Jamila), I wish her the best.  Hopefully the comparisons to Aaliyah and Ciara won't annoy her too much - I feel like a 90's influenced artist will always display some characteristics personally but whatever, what do I know... (LOL)

(Throwback 90's pic of Mila J)

Could You Hang Out With Your Exes' New Boo?

(Rumors of Alicia Keys, wife of Swizz Beatz and Mashonda, Ex-wife of Swizz hanging out)

I could dammit.  I mean, why not?

Honestly, I can speak first hand by saying that when you truly let the past be the past, it's okay to make amends with your ex and whomever is new in their life.  I honestly embrace the idea of trucing with your exes' other half because if there are children involved, to create issues only affects them in the long run.

As long as everyone shows respect for one another, I don't see any problem with it.  The only time there is usually a problem is when someone is not over the other person completely.

As a woman, I know who I am and my value.  As long as I'm aware of this, what didn't work out in my previous relationship will not dictate my actions towards someone that had nothing to do with it.

Now to be 100...F*CK ALL THAT HANGING OUT CRAP.  I was joking.  Kiss my damn ass. Hahahahaha.  Good for you Alicia and Mashonda.  I'm sure Swizz is dreaming of you two kissing and making up with him in the middle for a threesome sandwich.  I kid, I kid.  LOL


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