Dwyane Wade's #WCW Goes to His Fiance' -- Was She Right To Forgive?

Dwyane Wade is best known in the press nowadays for being a liar and cheater who recently fathered a child outside his relationship.  Gabby Union is known for accepting his plea for forgiveness and also taking some of the blame for his indiscretions. He posted this picture on his Instagram yesterday with this caption: My #WCW my #beautifulblackqueen… My Life mistakes gave me you and my life...

Disgusting Things Women Do That Men Hate

1) Leaving traces of your "lady time" products around the bathroom. One guy actually said he walked in the bathroom to find a tub full of red water with his wife's underwear floating.  (Yeah, I'm dry heaving too sir.  On behalf of the XX chromosome party, I deeply apologize for that entire situation.) 2) Making an explosion out of your underwear instead of hauling it to the bathroom. I...

Hey Side Piece Police, Kerry Washington HAS AN ACTUAL HUBBY!!! (I Need To Vent)

TAKE THAT SIDE PIECE HECKLERS... Kerry Washington and her husband look pretty happy together at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party.  Just like all the other actresses who are allowed to do their job, collect a pay check, then go home to their real lives. Oh, and on top of all the people who tried to diminish Lupita Nyong'o and the Oscar she won for playing a slave, allow me to show you a collage...

Disrespected on Social Media

Access.  For some, it's like the equivalent of leaving a kid in a candy store.  There's so many aisles of "goodies" and "snacks" that some people may not be able to resist and for the person who still has growing to do, it may cost them everything. STORY:  A friend of mine told me at one point in time, she had a very short reconciliation period with an ex-boyfriend where he threw...

Kanye's New Video "Bound"...with Kim Topless

Um...so Kanye's video "2 Boobies", I mean "Bound 2" featuring North's mama Kimmy Kakes, I can't help but to think that Kanye and Jay are tag teaming on this whole "my chick is the baddest" movement. Check it out if you haven't already: So, my lovebugs...what do you think of this video?!?!  I'm slightly speechless at the moment because I'm completely blank and deprived of sleep.  So...

Men and Women Can Be Their Own Worst Enemy With Each Other

IT NEVER FAILS: You have members of both sexes that complain about things they bring on themselves.  Now, as a fellow HUMAN BEING, none of us are immune to making mistakes and having to pick up the pieces - but LEARNING FROM THEM is a virtue that many people need to practice. FOR THE WOMEN: You will hear her talk about how all men want to smash and pass through her life when all he...

Jada Tells Arsenio She's Glad She Didn't Connect With Will On The 1st Opportunity

Jada and her prominent cheek bones were on Arsenio Hall last week and talked much about her connection with TuPac and how they had more of a father-daughter dynamic because of how protective he was with her, but one of the things I found extremely interesting was her talk about how she had an opportunity to work with her hubby Will long before they linked up as grown adults. Initially, she tried...

Strippers: Wifeable or Nah?

I know some people looked at that title like..."what the hell Mo?"  ((chuckles)) Alright so me being in the midst of my Instagram browsing, I stumbled across a promoter I follow that works at a few clubs in the DC area (mind you, I don't know this person beyond Instagram) and he happened to take a picture with a very beautiful woman who I believe was a guest at one of his parties. When I...

Outrage About Lupita Nyong'o Win At the Oscars

I happened to peep a few status updates online about the fact that some felt the only roles Blacks are ever allowed to receive Oscars for are plots where someone is being degraded (i.e. - Lupita (Patsey) and Master/Slave sex relations in "12 Years A Slave" or Halle Berry getting banged in "Monster's Ball"), or playing a stereotypical character such as Denzel Washington in Training Day as a crooked...

Sidney Portier At The Oscars: What All Go-Getters Should Learn From Him

One of the biggest things that I remember learning about Sidney Portier was the fact that despite the circumstances for black people in society period (let alone in the entertainment field), Mr. Portier is a man who set a STANDARD for himself and for his identity as an actor. He turned down a role as Othello in 1966 because of his refusal to reinforce negative stereotypes about Blacks.  He...


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