8 Valentine's Day MUST DOs To Make it The Best Night

I'm a hopeless romantic in my mind.  But I'm a Scorpio, so sometimes it comes out a little weird.  Like, instead of hitting up the person, I might go into a complete daze while I'm in the shower and daydream about me kicking his ass in a pool game or better yet Madden because I don't know how to play in real life.  (F*** everybody who ever lied to me and said they would teach me too...BASTARDS).

Anyway I feel like, there should be those days where a man and a woman that are together (or headed in that direction) do those things that re-energize them as a couple like, changing the scenery/having a getaway weekend or trying something new.

But if you don't have the funds or availability, or if you're a wuss about that trying something new situation...you can at least have great SEX.  Or better sex.

For the ladies, I feel like it's always fun to prepare for an evening with your man where you can get your place (or hotel room for the night/weekend) all SEXIFIED (note the word).  For creative minds like myself, you can really show him how much you appreciate him.

For the fellas, I would make this the time you really tap into something your lady is into. 


So, did I forget anything??? The first person to add to my list in the comments section AND enter their email in the newsletter section (right side of the website) will receive a "Love Kit" in the mail with some freebies from Slumber Parties and toiletries - compliments of Simple Sensitive Skin Experts. 

 (( Muah ))


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